New Brighton Stockyard Days
Signature Event
Yee-ha! August is time to rustle up some fun at New Brighton Stockyard days! The festival began in 1981 as a celebration of New Brighton’s heritage as a center for the cattle industry with stockyards, railroads and meatpacking plants. Today, it is a multi-day festival celebrating the spirited history of New Brighton, Minnesota, with a parade, live music, games, prizes, food, local business and artisan booths, the Antique Car Run, and more.
As Stockyard Days celebrates, the community continues to remain lively and involved in its festivities. Local merchants, businesses, artists, and hundreds of volunteers participate in concerts, tournaments, a parade, games, live entertainment, food sampling, fireworks, the finish line of the Antique Car Run, and the New Brighton & Junior Ambassador coronation. New ideas for activities and entertainment are welcomed each year.
Enjoy the fun, and make exciting memories that you can build on every year. Get roped into Stockyard Days!
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Event Features:
- Parade
- Golf Tournament
- Antique Car Run
- Long Lake Regional Park Activities
- NB Idol Karaoke Contest
- Duck Race
- Car Show and Swap Meet
- 5K/10K Kids Fun Run
- Street Dances
- Kiddie Parade/Movie Night
- Fireworks